David L Greenspan (he/him)

Software Engineer / Start-up Founder

Career Highlights [top]

Skills [top]

I have a diverse set of strengths and interests:

I'm happy to talk about any of the above in connection with software I've written.

I'm probably someone's dream engineer, because I actually enjoy:

Software I've Written [top]

Here are some examples of complex software I have written over the years, either by myself or as lead developer.

EtherPad (2007-2009)

I am best-known for creating EtherPad, the first in-browser real-time collaborative word processor. (Google Docs existed at the time, but it did not synchronize "as you type.") EtherPad's tech stack consisted of JavaScript, Java, Scala, and MySQL.

For EtherPad, I created, among other things:

EtherPad grew out of the AppJet web framework that my co-founder and I created, and it pioneered many technologies that later became mainstream, such as server push and server-side JavaScript.

After we sold AppJet/EtherPad to Google to work on Google Wave, we open-sourced the EtherPad code, and a foundation sprang up around it. The code is still in use and has been used in other apps, such as Dropbox Paper, which traces its lineage to EtherPad by way of a start-up called HackPad.

At Meteor (2012-2016)

I was employee #1 at Meteor Development Group, another company that started out by making a web framework. MDG later pivoted to focus completely on GraphQL technology and became known as Apollo GraphQL (which, years later, is still growing and succeeding), but the Meteor web framework still exists and is in use.

While at Meteor, I was the main or solo developer on projects including:

I still use the constraint solver to this day, in my hobby of creating Sudoku puzzles and variants of Sudoku. I've added TypeScript types to the API, but there haven't been bugs to fix or changes needed in years. I've discovered other people online using my library for puzzle-solving, by coincidence, even though it has not been publicized besides its inclusion in Meteor.


I've also written, at various times and places:

Interests [top]

There are many topics and areas that I'd be interested in working on someday.

I have already been working on:

Some topics that excite me in areas that I haven't worked on:

Contact [top]

Feel free to reach out to me at .